Souris & Glenwood Cemetery, Souris, Glenwood, Manitoba, Canada

Latitude: 49.6357, Longitude: -100.2593 | Click to get directions to Souris & Glenwood Cemetery

 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
John Weedmark and Catherine C. Dillabough<br>Roena Weedmark
John Weedmark and Catherine C. Dillabough
Roena Weedmark

Located    Catherine Cecilia Dillabough (d. 27 Dec 1926)
John Weedmark (d. 8 Jan 1924)
Roena Hannah Weedmark (d. 10 Feb 1915)
Theophilus Styles and Drusilla Weedmark
Theophilus Styles and Drusilla Weedmark
"Sweet be thy rest" 
Located    Theophilus Styles (d. 17 Aug 1947)
Drusilla Weedmark (d. 9 Dec 1958)