Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1956
Title Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1956 Author Publisher Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data - Manifests of Passengers Arriving at St. Albans, VT, District through Canadian Pacific and Atlantic Ports, 1895-1954; (National Archives Micropublication M1464, 639 rol Source ID S-1082901604 Linked to (24) James Albert Alexander
Ormand Edward Bamford
Amos Robert Bulmer
William Arthur Dillabough
Samuel John Feren
Elon John Alexander Hill
Beda Albertina Holst
Katharina Holst
Hilda A. Hutton
Graham Menzies Lyttle
Peter Menzies Lyttle
Ellen Amelia Nelson
Michael D. O'Quinn
Theresa O'Quinn
Felix Oswald Peever
Albert Edward Weedmark
Gordon Russell Weedmark
Isaac Allan Weedmark
Joseph Arthur Weedmark
Margaret Ann Maria Weedmark
Ruby Pearl Weedmark
Winnifred Weedmark
Evelyn Adelle Whitehead
Howard H. Worden