Surname List

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[no surname] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

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1. Abbey (3)
2. Abercrombie (3)
3. Acheson (1)
4. Adams (3)
5. Adney (1)
6. Adrian (1)
7. Agnew (2)
   8. Ainsworth (1)
9. Albers (1)
10. Alder (1)
11. Aldrich (2)
12. Alexander (24)
13. Alexandre (5)
14. Allan (4)
   15. Allen (1)
16. Aloan (9)
17. Amariucai (3)
18. Amesse (11)
19. Anders (5)
20. Anderson (23)
21. Ankin (1)
   22. Apple (8)
23. Ardell (1)
24. Argueta (1)
25. Armstrong (6)
26. Asher (2)
27. Ashley (5)
28. Askan (1)
   29. Asselin (1)
30. Atkinson (1)
31. Aucoin (2)

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1. Babcock (1)
2. Bailey (4)
3. Bain (1)
4. Bainton (1)
5. Baker (1)
6. Baldwin (27)
7. Ballance (1)
8. Bamford (9)
9. Bane (1)
10. Barber (10)
11. Barnett (2)
12. Barns (3)
13. Barr (25)
14. Barrey (1)
15. Barrows (1)
16. Barry (1)
17. Barstall (1)
18. Bates (1)
19. Batsford (1)
20. Bauck (1)
21. Bauder (1)
   22. Baxter (1)
23. Bayley (1)
24. Beach (1)
25. Bealte (1)
26. Beatte (1)
27. Beattie (1)
28. Beatty (2)
29. Beaupril (1)
30. Begley (1)
31. Belanger (1)
32. Belfry (1)
33. Belleau (1)
34. Bellinger (1)
35. Belliveau (1)
36. Belter (1)
37. Belyk (1)
38. Bennet (1)
39. Bennett (10)
40. Bennie (12)
41. Benson (1)
42. Berard (2)
   43. Berger (17)
44. Berry (1)
45. Bigford (9)
46. Bigford Weedmark (1)
47. Bishop (2)
48. Bittorf (2)
49. Black (15)
50. Blackburn (1)
51. Blair (9)
52. Blanchard (1)
53. Blaney (16)
54. Boers (1)
55. Bogaerts (3)
56. Bond (1)
57. Bonnet (1)
58. Boswall (1)
59. Boswell (1)
60. Boucher (1)
61. Boughton (1)
62. Boulanger (1)
63. Bourne (3)
   64. Bowden (1)
65. Bowen (1)
66. Bowles (1)
67. Boyd (2)
68. Boyle (1)
69. Bradford (7)
70. Bradley (5)
71. Bratton (3)
72. Breckon (1)
73. Brewer (2)
74. Brice (1)
75. Bridgette (1)
76. Briggs (1)
77. Brisco (7)
78. Briscoe (1)
79. Brocklebank (2)
80. Bromley (1)
81. Brooks (11)
82. Broughton (1)
83. Brown (33)
84. Brownell (1)
   85. Brownlee (15)
86. Brunshaw (1)
87. Buckland (1)
88. Bufford (1)
89. Bugar (1)
90. Bull (4)
91. Bullard (1)
92. Bulmer (34)
93. Burchille (1)
94. Burgess (14)
95. Burke (3)
96. Burnham (1)
97. Burns (7)
98. Burr (1)
99. Burrowes (2)
100. Burrows (17)
101. Burwell (1)
102. Butler (10)
103. Butte (1)
104. Byce (3)

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1. Cadman (1)
2. Cairns (1)
3. Callahan (5)
4. Cameron (4)
5. Campbell (7)
6. Campell (1)
7. Canlin (3)
8. Cannon (4)
9. Caraway (1)
10. Cardiff (1)
11. Carlson (3)
12. Carmichael (3)
13. Carnagie (1)
14. Carnegie (7)
15. Carruthers (1)
16. Carswell (1)
17. Cartland (2)
   18. Carty (1)
19. Casey (1)
20. Cashin (1)
21. Cassell (1)
22. Cassels (1)
23. Cassidy (5)
24. Caunter (5)
25. Cavanagh (15)
26. Chamberlin (1)
27. Chambers (3)
28. Champagne (1)
29. Chapman (5)
30. Chaumont (1)
31. Chester (57)
32. Chiasson (1)
33. Childs (3)
34. Christie (1)
   35. Clark (8)
36. Clarke (2)
37. Cleem (2)
38. Cline (2)
39. Codd (1)
40. Code (16)
41. Cody (3)
42. Colborne (1)
43. Colgate (1)
44. Colkin (3)
45. Collins (6)
46. Colston (1)
47. Colton (1)
48. Condick (1)
49. Condie (82)
50. Conlin (25)
51. Connor (3)
   52. Connors (2)
53. Conroy (1)
54. Cook (7)
55. Cooper (6)
56. Coory (adopted) (1)
57. Copeland (7)
58. Copping (1)
59. Cordy (1)
60. Corless (5)
61. Corr (1)
62. Corrigan (18)
63. Costello (18)
64. Cotman (1)
65. Cottrell (1)
66. Couch (3)
67. Courchesne (4)
68. Cowan (1)
   69. Cowell (1)
70. Cowen (1)
71. Cowie (1)
72. Cox (2)
73. Cracknell (1)
74. Crampton (2)
75. Crawford (2)
76. Crosbie (3)
77. Cross (2)
78. Crozier (1)
79. Cryderman (2)
80. Cubby Dixon (1)
81. Cughan (1)
82. Cunningham (4)
83. Cupp (1)
84. Curry (6)

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1. Dailey (1)
2. Dalgleish (1)
3. Dangerfield (1)
4. Danzer (1)
5. Dart (1)
6. Davidson (10)
7. Davis (20)
8. Day (1)
9. De Forest (2)
10. de Graan (1)
11. Deady (1)
   12. Dean (1)
13. DeLarge (1)
14. Dell (1)
15. DeLorge (1)
16. Demers (1)
17. Dempsey (1)
18. Dennis (5)
19. Desraby (1)
20. Devine (1)
21. Dickie (1)
22. Dillabaugh (1)
   23. Dillabough (71)
24. Diwald (1)
25. Dixon (1)
26. Doan (4)
27. Doherty (3)
28. Dolan (1)
29. Dorman (1)
30. Dort (1)
31. Doucet (1)
32. Doucette (1)
33. Dougherty (1)
   34. Douglas (1)
35. Douglass (1)
36. Dowdall (1)
37. Doxtater (1)
38. Doyle (7)
39. Droow (1)
40. Drummond (24)
41. Drysdale (8)
42. Duane (2)
43. Ducharme (1)
44. Duff (2)
   45. Duffy (3)
46. Dumitrescu (1)
47. Duncan (2)
48. Dunlop (1)
49. Dunn (5)
50. Dunning (1)
51. Dupuis (1)
52. Duvall (1)
53. Dwyer (1)

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1. Eagley (1)
2. Earl (2)
3. Eckford (38)
   4. Edgar (1)
5. Edwards (8)
6. Eggleston (7)
   7. Ekstrom (1)
8. Elliot (11)
9. Empey (1)
   10. Ennis (1)
11. Erskine (2)
12. Evans (2)
   13. Evoy (11)

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1. Fader (3)
2. Farnel (1)
3. Fawcett (1)
4. Feren (12)
5. Fergus (2)
6. Ferguson (2)
7. Fetherston (1)
   8. Fetterley (1)
9. Files (1)
10. Findlay (1)
11. Fines (1)
12. Finland (1)
13. Finney (1)
14. Fisher (8)
   15. Fitzgerald (22)
16. Fitzpatrick (3)
17. Flegg (1)
18. Flemming (3)
19. Flood (14)
20. Fluge (1)
21. Forarty (1)
   22. Ford (2)
23. Foss (1)
24. Foster (3)
25. Found (1)
26. Foy (2)
27. Franklin (5)
28. Frankum (10)
   29. Fraser (8)
30. Frederick (3)
31. Fuller (2)

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1. Gabie (1)
2. Gabriel (1)
3. Gaffney (2)
4. Gallagher (4)
5. Gamble (2)
6. Garrett (3)
7. Gauthier (1)
8. Geddes (1)
9. Gemmill (1)
   10. Geneou/Genoe (1)
11. Gerencser (1)
12. Gibson (10)
13. Gilbert (3)
14. Gilbert Jr. (1)
15. Gilder (1)
16. Gill (7)
17. Gilmour (13)
18. Gizy (1)
   19. Glenn (2)
20. Goddard (8)
21. Godin (1)
22. Goetz (1)
23. Golz (1)
24. Good (1)
25. Gorden (2)
26. Gordon (8)
27. Goth (1)
   28. Graham (16)
29. Grant (1)
30. Graubarger (4)
31. Grauberger (13)
32. Grawbarger (20)
33. Grawberger (2)
34. Gray (2)
35. Green (14)
36. Greene (1)
   37. Greenman (4)
38. Greer (2)
39. Griffin (2)
40. Griffith (4)
41. Grobergoe (3)
42. Grosklog (1)
43. Guay (1)
44. Guztak (1)

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1. Haggar (1)
2. Halbot (1)
3. Haldane (2)
4. Halfpenny (20)
5. Hall (1)
6. Hamilton (10)
7. Hammond (10)
8. Hannigan (1)
9. Haraszthy (1)
10. Harold Eliver (1)
11. Harrington (19)
12. Harris (12)
13. Harrison (1)
14. Hart (4)
   15. Hartrick (2)
16. Haskin (1)
17. Haskins (4)
18. Hawkes (2)
19. Hawkins (1)
20. Hawthorn (7)
21. Hawthorne (4)
22. Hayes (4)
23. Hayward (7)
24. Hazelton (4)
25. Head (1)
26. Headrick (14)
27. Heckbert (1)
28. Heether (2)
   29. Heigeman (2)
30. Hemmings (1)
31. Hendimen (1)
32. Henrie (1)
33. Henry (2)
34. Hickling (1)
35. Higginson (5)
36. Hignett (1)
37. Hill (11)
38. Hillis (7)
39. Hines Ferguson (1)
40. Hobbs (9)
41. Hodges (3)
42. Hodgins (3)
   43. Hodgson (3)
44. Hogg (2)
45. Holland (2)
46. Holliday Acton (1)
47. Holst (3)
48. Holtman (1)
49. Hopkins (7)
50. Horne (1)
51. Hossie (2)
52. Houge (1)
53. Houze (2)
54. Hovey (4)
55. Howard (14)
56. Howey (1)
   57. Howison (1)
58. Hoy (5)
59. Huckabone (1)
60. Huddleston (2)
61. Hudson (2)
62. Hughes (2)
63. Hume (4)
64. Hunt (3)
65. Hutchins (1)
66. Hutton (5)

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1. Innes (3)
   2. Ireland (1)
   3. Ireton (2)

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1. Jackson (11)
2. Jardine (1)
3. Jeffery (1)
   4. Jeffrey (3)
5. Jesseau (2)
6. Jessup (1)
   7. Johnson (22)
8. Johnston (12)
9. Joint (5)
   10. Jones (17)
11. Joy (1)
12. Joynt (2)

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1. Kane (1)
2. Kartye (8)
3. Kaufmann-Black (1)
4. Kean (2)
5. Keller (4)
   6. Kelley (2)
7. Kemp (1)
8. Kempsey (3)
9. Kenny (3)
10. Kester (1)
   11. Kincaid (15)
12. Kinch (9)
13. King (5)
14. Kingsley (1)
15. Kinley (2)
   16. Kinney (3)
17. Kittle (1)
18. Knallay (1)
19. Knapp (1)
20. Kogenhope (2)
   21. Kohut (1)
22. Korte (1)
23. Kurtzweg (2)

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1. L'Official (1)
2. Lackie (1)
3. Lacore (4)
4. Lafabre (1)
5. Lafeber (3)
6. Lafleure (1)
7. LaFrance (13)
8. Lambkin (2)
9. Lamkie (2)
10. Landon (1)
11. Lane (4)
12. Langford (1)
13. Lapierre (1)
   14. Laporte (4)
15. Larkin (3)
16. Larrett (6)
17. Lathian (4)
18. Latimer (2)
19. Lauber (1)
20. Laughlin (2)
21. Lawrence (1)
22. Lawson (2)
23. Leach (6)
24. Learmonth (1)
25. Leathem (1)
26. Leaven (1)
   27. Leaver (14)
28. LeBlanc (2)
29. Ledger (1)
30. Lee (3)
31. Leeder (1)
32. Leeson (1)
33. Lefler (2)
34. Lehigh (1)
35. Lemay (1)
36. Lemieux (17)
37. Lemiux (1)
38. Lemke (1)
39. Lennox (1)
   40. Leonard (1)
41. Leonard Franklin (1)
42. Leslie (1)
43. Lever (12)
44. Levere (1)
45. Lewis (12)
46. Liscombe (1)
47. Lister (2)
48. Littel (1)
49. Little (1)
50. Llewellyn (1)
51. Logan (13)
52. Lorraine (1)
   53. Loucks (1)
54. Lowery (1)
55. Lucas (2)
56. Lumsden (1)
57. Lund (1)
58. Lungren (1)
59. Lunney (1)
60. Lunt (1)
61. Lutz (1)
62. Lynn (3)
63. Lyons (3)
64. Lyttle (8)

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1. Mabon (1)
2. Macartney (2)
3. MacDonald (12)
4. Machan (1)
5. MacKinnon (1)
6. MacKintosh (4)
7. Madden (1)
8. Magee (2)
9. Mahew (1)
10. Mahl (2)
11. Makinson (3)
12. Malcom (1)
13. Malone (2)
14. Maloney (2)
15. Mandigo (5)
16. Marche (1)
17. Marrison (1)
18. Marshall (1)
19. Martin (4)
20. Mason (6)
21. Massey (1)
22. Mathieson (1)
23. Matt (1)
24. Mavin (2)
25. Maxwell (5)
26. Mayhew (2)
27. McArthur (6)
28. McAuley (1)
   29. McBain (1)
30. McBain Graubarger (1)
31. McBride (1)
32. McBroom (1)
33. McCabe (1)
34. McCagherty (2)
35. McCaig (2)
36. McCall (1)
37. McCallum (1)
38. McCarter (1)
39. McCarthy (3)
40. McCauley (8)
41. McClelland (1)
42. McClinton (1)
43. McColm (2)
44. McCord (1)
45. McCorriston (4)
46. McCudden (2)
47. McCulloch (2)
48. McCullough (8)
49. McCully (2)
50. McCumber (1)
51. McDiarmid (2)
52. McDonald (6)
53. McDonough (2)
54. McDougall (1)
55. McDowell (1)
56. McEachin (1)
   57. McEwen (1)
58. McFadden (24)
59. McFarlane (1)
60. McGinn (1)
61. McGinnis (1)
62. McGonegal (23)
63. McGonigal (8)
64. McGonigle (2)
65. McGuey (1)
66. McHugh (1)
67. McIlvenna (1)
68. McIntosh (2)
69. McIntyre (4)
70. McKaig (9)
71. McKay (7)
72. McKee (1)
73. McKenna (1)
74. McKenzie (1)
75. McKinley (1)
76. McKnight (2)
77. McLaren (46)
78. McLean (2)
79. McMartin (1)
80. McMeekin (1)
81. McMichael (1)
82. McMillan (8)
83. McNab (1)
84. McNabb (1)
   85. McNee (1)
86. McNeely (1)
87. McNeil (1)
88. McPherson (2)
89. McQuade (1)
90. McRae (1)
91. McTavish (2)
92. McVean (12)
93. Meagher (32)
94. Mellon (1)
95. Melvin (1)
96. Mendenhall (8)
97. Menzies (2)
98. Merat (2)
99. Merat Jr. (1)
100. Messer (1)
101. Metcalfe (1)
102. Miles (1)
103. Milford (7)
104. Miller (3)
105. Millett (1)
106. Miner (1)
107. Minielly (3)
108. Mitchell (11)
109. Moffatt (2)
110. Moffitt (15)
111. Mohns (1)
112. Monaghan (10)
   113. Monroe (9)
114. Montgomery (1)
115. Mooney (1)
116. Moore (51)
117. Mordy (2)
118. More (3)
119. Mornay (1)
120. Morris (2)
121. Morrison (7)
122. Morron (1)
123. Morrow (1)
124. Moss-Weidmark (1)
125. Mosser (2)
126. Moulton (1)
127. Mowatt (2)
128. Moxam (14)
129. Mulcahy (2)
130. Muldoon (1)
131. Mullen (1)
132. Mulligan (1)
133. Munro (2)
134. Murdoch (3)
135. Murdock (1)
136. Murkar (1)
137. Murphy (5)
138. Murray (8)
139. Myres (1)

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1. Nangle (2)
2. Naslund (1)
3. Nedved (1)
4. Neelin (5)
   5. Neill (1)
6. Nellie May (1)
7. Nelson (1)
8. Nemanic (1)
   9. Nerenburg (1)
10. Nettleton (2)
11. Newans (1)
12. Newman (5)
   13. Nickle (2)
14. Nicol (1)
15. Niebarger (1)
16. Nolan (5)
   17. Nowlan (1)
18. Nylander (1)

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1. O'Brien (1)
2. O'Flarty (1)
3. O'Keff (1)
   4. O'Neil (1)
5. O'Neill (1)
6. O'Quinn (3)
   7. Oakes (1)
8. Odgers (1)
9. Oke (3)
   10. Oliver (1)
11. Ostrander (1)
12. Outerson (1)
   13. Owens (1)

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1. Pallett (1)
2. Palmer (2)
3. Papin (2)
4. Pappin (1)
5. Pardy (1)
6. Parker (2)
7. Parrish (1)
8. Parsons (5)
9. Paterson (2)
10. Patterson (2)
   11. Pawsons (1)
12. Payne (1)
13. Pearse (1)
14. Pearson (5)
15. Peckover (2)
16. Peever (10)
17. Pennant (1)
18. Percival (14)
19. Perkins (7)
20. Perry (1)
   21. Pettigrew (28)
22. Phillips (1)
23. Pierce (1)
24. Pilkington (1)
25. Pinello (1)
26. Piper (1)
27. Pitt (2)
28. Plewes (2)
29. Plunkett (1)
30. Poff (1)
   31. Polk (3)
32. Polley (1)
33. Pollock (2)
34. Pomerang (7)
35. Pomrank Pomerang (1)
36. Porter (4)
37. Poulton (2)
38. Powell (1)
39. Powers Osborne (1)
40. Prall (1)
   41. Preace (1)
42. Price (19)
43. Prigieon (2)
44. Proctor (1)
45. Proud (2)
46. Prudham (7)
47. Purdie (4)
48. Pype (1)

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1. Quadling (1)
   2. Quinn (1)
   3. Quire (1)

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1. Rainville (4)
2. Rathbun (1)
3. Rathwell (5)
4. Raw (12)
5. Read (4)
6. Regan (1)
   7. Reid (1)
8. Renkers (1)
9. Rennick (2)
10. Renwick (1)
11. Rich (1)
12. Richardson (6)
   13. Rioux (1)
14. Rivington (1)
15. Roberts (1)
16. Robertson (6)
17. Robinson (13)
18. Roddick (2)
   19. Roddis (1)
20. Roege (1)
21. Rogers (1)
22. Roleau (1)
23. Rollins (1)
24. Rosborough (1)
   25. Rose (8)
26. Ross (18)
27. Russell (2)
28. Ryan (25)

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1. Sadler (18)
2. Salisbury (1)
3. Salter (4)
4. Samplant (1)
5. Sauder (1)
6. Saunders (1)
7. Sawyer (1)
8. Sazrusky (1)
9. Scarrow (3)
10. Schackel (1)
11. Schilkie (12)
12. Schimmens (1)
13. Schizkoska (2)
14. Schlegel (1)
15. Schwabe (1)
16. Schwingle (1)
   17. Scott (42)
18. Seabrook (4)
19. Severin (33)
20. Shackel (1)
21. Shampine (5)
22. Shane (1)
23. Shank (8)
24. Shatford (18)
25. Shaver (2)
26. Sheahan (1)
27. Sheppard (1)
28. Sherman (1)
29. Sherstobitoff (1)
30. Shewell (1)
31. Shields (2)
32. Shingler (1)
   33. Shirley (1)
34. Shord (1)
35. Shuler (1)
36. Simmons (2)
37. Sitzes (5)
38. Skepanski (1)
39. Skillen (1)
40. Skuce (1)
41. Sliger (1)
42. Sloan (1)
43. Smith (25)
44. Sofer (1)
45. Sparling (1)
46. Sparrow (1)
47. Spears (1)
48. Spence (1)
   49. Spiece (1)
50. St. Louis (2)
51. Staley (1)
52. Stanzel (6)
53. Steacy (1)
54. Steele (2)
55. Stefanko (2)
56. Stephens (7)
57. Stevens (3)
58. Stevenson (1)
59. Stewart (8)
60. Stewart (Stuart) (1)
61. Stickles (1)
62. Stiles (5)
63. Stokes (1)
64. Stone (1)
   65. Storey (1)
66. Storie (2)
67. Streight (4)
68. Stuart (2)
69. Studley (1)
70. Sturdyvin (1)
71. Styan (1)
72. Styles (7)
73. Sullivan (1)
74. Summers (2)
75. Susan (1)
76. Sweedy (1)
77. Sweet (2)
78. Sweezey (2)

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1. Talbot (1)
2. Tate (2)
3. Taylor (2)
4. Tennant (21)
5. Terry (2)
6. Teske (7)
7. Tessier (1)
8. Thibeault (7)
   9. Thiessen (1)
10. Thombleson (1)
11. Thompson (14)
12. Thorpe (5)
13. Thrasher (2)
14. Thresher (1)
15. Thurston (2)
16. Timlick (1)
   17. Timmons (1)
18. Todd (1)
19. Tompkins (4)
20. Toney (1)
21. Topping (2)
22. Tousaw (1)
23. Tozour (1)
24. Tremble (7)
   25. Trick (3)
26. Trimble (2)
27. Tryon (2)
28. Tucker (1)
29. Tudhope (5)
30. Tunn (1)
31. Turner (1)
32. Turpen (5)
   33. Tweedle (1)
34. Twitchell (1)
35. Tye (1)
36. Tysick (6)

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1. Unknown (33)

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1. Vacca (1)
2. Valentine (1)
   3. Valleau (1)
4. Valliant (1)
   5. Van Dacy (1)
6. Van Harn (1)
   7. Varty (1)
8. Verschoore (1)
   9. Vickery (1)
10. Viverirs (1)

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1. Wagner (1)
2. Waite (19)
3. Wakley (1)
4. Walker (5)
5. Wallace (3)
6. Wallis (1)
7. Wallman (12)
8. Wallot (1)
9. Walsh (59)
10. Warren (2)
11. Warrington (1)
12. Warwick (1)
13. Waterson (1)
   14. Watkins (5)
15. Watson (2)
16. Watts (1)
17. Way (1)
18. Weatherley (1)
19. Weatherly (2)
20. Webster (1)
21. Weedmark (399)
22. Weeks (3)
23. Wegg (1)
24. Weidmark (54)
25. Weir (1)
26. Welk (1)
   27. Weller (1)
28. Wells (1)
29. Welton (1)
30. Werden (1)
31. Westbrook (4)
32. Westgate (7)
33. Whalley (1)
34. Whan (5)
35. Whitaker (1)
36. White (5)
37. Whitehead (8)
38. Whitmore (6)
39. Wiggins (1)
   40. Wigmore (2)
41. Wilcox (2)
42. Wilkes (7)
43. Wilkins (3)
44. Williams (1)
45. Williamson (6)
46. Willis (2)
47. Wilmer (1)
48. Wilson (66)
49. Windsor (1)
50. Winslow (2)
51. Wiseman (1)
52. Wismer (2)
   53. Wolanski (1)
54. Wonch (2)
55. Woodland (1)
56. Woodley (1)
57. Woods (3)
58. Woods Matchett (1)
59. Worden (6)
60. Wride (2)
61. Wright (8)
62. Wulff (8)
63. Wullen (1)
64. Wynn (3)

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1. Young (24)

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1. Zamborsky (1)
   2. Zielke (1)
   3. Zimmerman (1)

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